Go Solar with Dakota Electric!

Dakota Electric

Are you a customer of Dakota Electric looking to install solar? To assist members in recovering the costs associated with installing a solar system, Dakota Electric now has a performance-based solar rebate program. This program offers $0.50/watt for installed capacity, not to exceed $4,000 for systems 8kW or smaller. Payment of the rebate is based […]

The U.S. Installed a Record Amount of Solar in 2015

a solar panels on a roof

According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, in 2015 a total of 7.3 GW of solar was installed in the U.S. This is a huge amount of energy, and to truly understand its significance it needs to be further explained. Assuming the average American home would need about 10 kW of installed solar to offset their entire […]

An Average Minnesota Residential Solar System

a house with solar panels on the roof

What does an average residential Minnesotan solar system look like? According to the Energy Information Administration, the average Minnesotan home uses about 810 kilowatt-hours (kwh) of electricity each month. This adds up to about 9,720 kwh of electricity that is needed each year. In Minnesota, taking into effect our northern latitude but great solar exposure, […]

Roseville, MN 8.12 kW: Made in Minnesota Incentive Profile

a woman standing in front of a house with solar panels on the roof

Janna, Roseville MN 8.12 kW roof mount residential installation in August, 2015. Our solar panels were installed in late August.  The crew was conscientious about ensuring a good-looking installation.  We were pleasantly surprised when the bill for September’s gas and electricity arrived – 13 cents!  With the 30% federal tax credit and Made in Minnesota payments […]

Minnesota’s Solar Potential

a lake with a bench and trees

The state of Minnesota has no fossil fuel reserves at all – no natural gas, no coal, and no oil. However, it does have resources of another kind. Solar energy is Minnesota’s largest energy resource. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) estimates that Minnesota has enough solar “technical potential” to produce more than 150 times […]

Net Zero Buildings 101

a leaf on a solar panel

Imagine being able to live your life in a modern dwelling, in an urban or rural setting, that produces zero carbon emissions. This is essentially what it means to be Net Zero. A Net Zero home produces its own renewable energy. The home also relies on energy conservation and efficient energy usage to avoid burning […]

A Brief Introduction to Micro-Inverters, String Inverters, and Optimizers

a solar panels on a field

Like any electrical system, a solar array needs a way to manage the flow of electrical energy. In order to avoid damaging your household electronics, the electrical grid, and your solar panels themselves, a system of electrical inverters and optimizers need to be in place. Inverters change the DC current produced in solar panels to […]

Solar Panels and Minnesota’s Winters

a group of men standing in the snow

There’s no doubt that solar production in Minnesota is different than in Arizona, or California, because of our long winters. Solar arrays in the American Southwest don’t get snow. Because snow disrupts the sun’s rays hitting the photovoltaic cells, there will be less electrical production when your panels are covered in snow. However, you’ll see […]

Extend the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

a group of workers in a solar farm

Update!!! The Tax Credit has been extended.  Read:  https://trunorthsolar.com/5-year-solar-investment-tax-credit-extension/   We at TruNorth Solar fully support the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) in working to extend the Solar ITC past December of 2016, to help people  continue to afford clean power from the sun!

Solar Power International 2015: Our Future is Bright

a solar panel in the desert

Last week the Anaheim Convention Center in California, the largest on the West Coast, was packed with every avenue of the solar industry. The exhibition hall, the length of two football fields, was full with over 600 exhibitors from all over the world. From small solar installers, to solar mapping software designers, solar financiers, and […]