Apple Valley, MN 5.4kW Solar Array

System Info

Size of System: 5.4kW
Number of Panels:
Type of Panels:
Inverter Brand and Model:

In Apple Valley, Minnesota this 5.4 kW Solar Array makes solar look cool. Equal part gesture to the environment AND a mighty savvy investment strategy. Capitalizing on new technology, partnering with the solar industry and regulatory structure in which it operates, analyzing payback, efficiency, and solar production based incentives, our Homeowner and TruNorth Solar found the numbers worked. With $9,184 in lifetime incentives including a Dakota Electric Coop Solar Incentive of approximately $4,000. and $5180. Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit, and an 8.5 year payback on investment…..with the family saving on the cost of energy for their home on day one!

Contact us today to see if Solar is right for you!