NE Minneapolis Apartment Solar

System Info

Size of System: 39.04kW
Number of Panels: 122
Type of Panels:
Inverter Brand and Model:

This NE Minneapolis apartment building owner will not only be increasing their property value, utilizing a 30% tax credit and creating bonus depreciation on their taxes, but will be eliminating thousands in annual energy costs! Their apartment building’s newly installed 122 module solar array will produce about 100% of the properties house electricity needs.

Additionally, the residents of the NE apartment building can now be a part of a cleaner brighter energy future knowing their energy is renewable. And the owner has a beautiful marketing tool when advertising their clean energy housing.

The actual environmental benefits from this NE Minneapolis rooftop mounted solar array include producing enough clean energy kWh to offset the greenhouse gas emissions from burning 30,493 coal lbs. per year, or 67,570 average passenger vehicle miles, or as much carbon as sequestered by 23.25 acres of U.S. forests in one year.