A message from TruNorth Solar’s fearless leader, Marty Morud…
“Please join us in celebrating the remarkable career and retirement of our esteemed colleague, Jeff Williams! Affectionately known as “The Professor,” Jeff’s passion for solar energy and dedication to sharing his expertise have been invaluable to TruNorth Solar. From his kitchen table consultations to his in-depth knowledge, Jeff has truly embodied the spirit of TruNorth. After 32 years at IBM and a successful career in solar, Jeff is embarking on a well-deserved retirement filled with fun adventures ahead.”
Some of our Sales Team members recently went out for a delicious seafood boil to send him off in style (see photos – Jeff is pictured center, and with ALL the desserts).
Congrats Jeff! We wish you all the best on your well-deserved retirement journey. Enjoy every minute!
Feel free to send a message for Jeff and we’ll make sure he gets it.