a group of men on a roof

It’s Your Solar Install Day!

[metaslider id=”2790″]It’s time. We spoke on the phone last week and scheduled today, your mobilization date. Everything went pretty fast, from the day we first met at your kitchen table to today. Your Energy Consultant Jason, TJ, Melissa or Steve sat and talked with you to learn exactly what your goals were with installing a photovoltaic system on your property. They discussed your properties solar energy potential, ideas for energy efficiency overall for your home and any financing needs you may have. As well as informed you of the solar incentives such as Xcel Solar Rewards or the 30% Federal Tax Credit that can help pay for the installation of your Solar System. And you provided your current energy use for the past year so that those electricity needs could best be met.

To meet your goals using solar you may have been inspired by wanting to help the planet and reducing your carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels – or – you may have wanted to save money by making your own electricity with your own energy producing solar panels. Or quite possibly you wanted both. And after today, that vision becomes reality. Wowza.

Soon after your kitchen table meeting (or zoom – at your preference), your solar energy ideas and site specifications were made into an easy to understand proposal. You were given a computer design showing your rooftop with solar panels on the most energy producing areas. An proposal sheet run with calculations showing your energy production with your solar design based on the slope and direction of your roof, if you had any shading and how much space you were allotting for solar panels. Page four showed the breakdown of your system and our full scope of work while pages five and six show you an estimated yearly breakdown on your payback.  Nice.

Your ideas and suggestions were closely listened to by your Energy Consultant who worked directly with our leadership and install teams James, Ben, Donna and Beck in the TruNorth Solar DIPP Department (Design, Interconnection, Permitting and Procurement) to design, permit and ready your awesome Solar Energy System.  All applications for rebates, utility interconnection permits, building and electrical permits and such were taken care of fully by the DIPP team.

Nick our Construction Superintendent and Alex our Procurement Manager said – “Let’s get real on this one!” and so your project materials were ordered, deposits made, scheduling of inspections and metering installation with commissioning checklist was arranged.  And your Energy Consultant kept you in the loop as to your project’s progress, enthusiastically answered any of your questions along the way, and is now at the ready to provide you with your closing packet with specifications, as-built solar plans, warranties, TruNorth Solar management contact information and customer satisfaction survey.

And so bright and early this morning, your TruNorth Solar Installation Crew will be at your door to make your green energy dreams come true. Bringing with them orange cones, ladders, harnesses, spools of wire, racking, inverters, and boxes of shiny new solar panels. They will likely bring plenty of good humor, sunscreen, jugs of water, and a TruNorth Solar sign for your lawn, and check in with you during the day and after they have spruced up their work area.

When the installation is complete, and on-site utility connections and inspections have been made, the switch is flipped and your solar system is “commissioned”. It’s alive. Scotty, engage! (Star Trek reference). You really did it…….

CONGRATULATIONS! Let’s see if we can get your electricity meter to run backwards!!!!!!!!

The TruNorth Solar DIPP team will spend the next week reviewing your solar monitoring set up, and confirm the functioning of all of your solar system components. And would be alerted as to any changes to your productivity through your Solar Edge Monitoring System. You will be shown how to track your own solar electricity production in real time with your Solar Edge monitoring app, and watch as you even produce electricity on a cloudy day 🙂

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