Net Metering

Part 2: Guide to Net Metering and Billing – Solar*Rewards FAQs

Our last blog post, the “Part 1: Guide to Understanding Your Solar System Components,” gave an in-depth overview of the new components you’ll find on the side of your home or business when you go solar! These new items include the DC/AC inverter, the AC disconnect, the production meter and  the new bi-directional meter. The bi-directional meter allows your utility to record any energy you send to the grid and credit you accordingly. This is called net metering.

Today’s blog further explains how net metering and billing work, by featuring Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards Metering and Billings FAQs.  When you have a solar energy system installed, you are generating some or all of the energy you use each month. Depending on the size of the system and how much energy you typically consume, you may generate more than you need, especially in the sunnier months! Check out the table below to better understand what net metering may look like on your bill! Click here to learn more…

Are you ready to explore solar for your site? Contact us. 


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