Net Zero Buildings 101

a leaf on a solar panel

Imagine being able to live your life in a modern dwelling, in an urban or rural setting, that produces zero carbon emissions. This is essentially what it means to be Net Zero. A Net Zero home produces its own renewable energy. The home also relies on energy conservation and efficient energy usage to avoid burning […]

More Money and More Contribution – With Solar Power

solar panels on a roof

Last Saturday I was drinking coffee and browsing through a local bookstore. My eye caught a book written about saving money by conserving gasoline.  Reaching to grab it… I sighed… hearing myself say: “People want more than this today… just saving money on gas is not enough” The author of the book, a PhD, promised […]

Electricity from the Sun – Top Ten Things to Know about Solar

a white background with red text

[rps-include-content blog=”1″ post=”844″]As I travel the Twin Cities and beyond doing solar site assessments for local home and business owners, I tend to hear the same questions about solar energy. There is an ever-growing group of home and business owners that are environmentally conscious, wanting to do “their part” to make things better. As energy […]

The Future of Renewable Energy

Future of Solar

This video infograph shows the latest statistics on renewable energy in an interesting and engaging layout.   Tell us what you think. Do any of these stats or figures surprise you? As always, follow us on Twitter @LGRenewables or like us on Facebook for the most up to date information on renewable energy and how […]