Do You Have the Courage to Live What You Do?

a man wearing a safety vest and a white helmet

How many times have you seen someone stand for something – but not actually live it?  Today I got an article about Jon Middendorf who works with us here at TruNorth Solar – who is LIVING what he does with us.  Last year Jon installed solar on his own roof in St. Cloud, taking advantage of […]

More Money and More Contribution – With Solar Power

solar panels on a roof

Last Saturday I was drinking coffee and browsing through a local bookstore. My eye caught a book written about saving money by conserving gasoline.  Reaching to grab it… I sighed… hearing myself say: “People want more than this today… just saving money on gas is not enough” The author of the book, a PhD, promised […]

Drone Captures TruNorth Solar Install

a group of men installing solar panels on a roof

Birds Eye View of Solar PV Install Captured by Drone If you want to see what solar would look like being installed on your house, check out this new video. Several months ago, a drone captured the install of a 9.84 KW solar pv we did in Minnesota. Check out this short, 4 min video […]

Saving Money as a Small Business Owner With Solar

solar panels on a roof

Written by Cody Luebeck, TruNorth Solar’s Solar Ambassador One of the hardest things to do in today’s economy as a small business owner is finding ways to save money.  As an owner, you take risks everyday with the hope of growing your business tomorrow.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to invest a […]

Top 5 Reasons Solar Works in Minnesota

Solar panels installed on the dark roof of a home with snow in winter

Written by Cody Luebeck  TruNorth Solar’s Solar Ambassador One of the common misunderstandings about solar is that it doesn’t work well in Minnesota.  Here are the top 5 reasons solar works in Minnesota. Myth #1:  Minnesota weather is too cloudy for solar.  Although it may seem we have a lot of clouds in Minnesota, we […]

Minnesota Solar Rebates Return to Xcel Energy

There is an ever-growing customer base that is environmentally conscious, wanting to do “their part” to make things better for our environment.  There are many new opportunities to be part of this change.  The design of solar energy systems has gotten much better, much more efficient, much easier to install, and the financial incentives have […]

3 Reasons Why Solar Installation Is More Affordable Than Ever!

a house with a solar panel on the roof

Do you use coupons?  Do you get upset when a really good coupon expires and you can no longer use it?  Same thing with Solar right now! Here are three reasons why residential solar power is more affordable than ever for everyone, especially those living in Minneapolis and Minnesota! [rps-include-content blog=”1″ post=”844″]1 – The Sun.  […]